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Logo Universitat de Barcelona Doctoral Programs adapted to ESSE Imatge de diagramació
Català Español Imatge de diagramació
Engineering and Applied Sciences 
Identificative data of the program
Engineering and Applied Sciences 
Areas of the program
Engineering and Architecture 
Maximum number of students

Ana Inés Fernández Renna 
Faculty of Chemistry

Faculty/Registering Centre
  Faculty of Physics
  Faculty of Chemistry
  Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

General objectives of the program
The aim of the PhD Programme in Engineering and Applied Sciences is to train PhDs who can tackle and solve the problems demanded by industry, the administration and society in general, promoting research, development and scientific-technological innovation, both at a fundamental and applied level in these areas. Professionals in this field, whether from the industrial or scientific side, are versatile to tackle applied research challenges in a scientific-technological environment that requires work in an environment of research teams with a large interdisciplinary component.
Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating
The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

Candidates must hold one of the following qualifications:

1. Official university master's degree at the University of Barcelona in:

' Environmental Engineering
' Biomedical Engineering
' Photonic Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
' Chemical Engineering
' Artificial Intelligence
' Applied Materials Chemistry
' Advanced Physics
' Renewable Energy and Energy Sustainability
' Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
' Electrochemistry Science and Technology

2. A master's degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master's degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee.

3.A qualification issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, which shows that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the master's degrees mentioned in the first section.

4. Knowledge of English. Applicants must have certified English language skills at a level equivalent to B2. If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate's English language skills in a personal interview.

Candidate evaluation criteria

The Committee will also consider the following aspects, which are prioritized according to the weighting shown:

1. The academic record and other academic merits. The Committee will focus particularly on whether the candidate has sufficient training to begin the preparation of a doctoral thesis in the requested area. In particular, it will assess whether the bachelor's degree and master's degree training is compatible with the requested research area (60%).

2. Curriculum vitae. Other training and professional aspects of the candidate's curriculum vitae will be taken into account (20%).

3. English language proficiency. Certified English language skills will be taken into consideration (15%).

4. Letters of recommendation. These may be written by former lecturers or people who have had a professional or academic relationship with the candidate. Letters of recommendation must make reference to the candidate's previous training, analytical skills, and general motivation for learning (5%).
Salidas profesionales
A doctor trained in the Engineering and Applied Sciences programme will be able to develop his/her professional career both at an academic level and in technological and research centres and in industry, as on many occasions the application of the research developed in the doctoral thesis will have an almost direct application in an industrial field.
Idiomes del programa
Catalan, Spanish, English
Offered research lines
101246 Materials science and technology
101242 Computer sciences
101241 Photovoltaics
101244 Ingeniería biomédica
101243 Electronic engineering
101245 Chemical engineering
101247 Interfaces and colloids

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Planificació Academicodocent
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07/05/2024 18:25
Àrea de Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació
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Darrera Modificació Programa: 20/12/2022 07:53
Darrera Modificació Model: 02/07/2018 10:36